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Thursday, April 3, 2008

They've flown the coop!

So, here is another goody that I made for the bird swap. They've all flown the coop and are now at their new home with ollieorange on Craftster!
This piece of wall art is just a canvas covered in this gorgeous fabric that I got from SewMamaSew and then I appliqued some adorable little songbirds along with some embroidery of the sweet music they are making!
I also made a pillow that matches but I failed to take pics of it on my camera.. just my camera phone.. and believe me, those pics are not blogworthy!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sweet Dreams

So, I know it's been a while since I've posted on here.. it seems like it's been forever! I've been very busy crafting, though.

I just finished up the bird swap on craftster .. as in, I dropped my package off at the post office yesterday! Yay! I'm so happy to be finished with it! It was really fun, though, crafting things for my partner for the swap.. and some of the things I made were really hard to give up!

Among the creations I crafted were a pillow, a pincushion, a piece of wall art and a dreamcatcher.
The dreamcatcher was really one of my favorite things and I even found a couple more birdies so that I can make one for myself and one for my mother. I know she would love one! So, here's my simple little dreamcatcher. People say if you hang it by your bed, it will filter out all of your bad dreams and capture your good ones.. so as long as you have a dreamcatcher hanging by your bed you should only have Sweet Dreams.


Sweet Dreams, everyone!